Srishti Sarawagi
1st Prize - Dance Competetion - Noida Branch August 10, 2008
Gopal Jhanwar
1st Prize - Singing Competetion Seniors - Noida Branch 2007 and 2008, Delhi Branch 2007
Gopal Jhanwar
1st Prize - Singing Competetion Juniors- Noida Branch 2008
1 comment:
Creator:Gaurav Jaggi
Date:Saturday, 29 November 2008
Location:Sector - 11, Community Center, RWA
To protest the:
official and un-official [b]prolong electricity cuts[/b] in the entire NOIDA city
removal of [b]high fixed charges[/b] from the electricity bill
expedite the changing of [b]old transformers and wires[/b]
[b]FONRWA (Fedration of Residents Welfare Associations of NOIDA)[/b] has decided to hold a peacefull Car/Bike rally
[b]all NOIDA citizens[/b] are requested to take part in the Car/Bike rally and make it a huge success
Car/Bike rally will assemble at [b]Sector - 11,[/b] Community Center and proceed towards [b]Sector-52[/b] and thereafter towards [b]Rajnigandha Chok.[/b]
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