Thursday, August 14, 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Message from the Office of President, Noida Branch
August 11, 2008
Dear All,
I am pleased to share with you that 'Free Callipers and Artificial Limbs Camp' organized by Marwari Yuva manch in Noida between August 6 and 10, 2008 at Agarsen Bhawan Sector 33 was a huge success. We extended the Camp by one day considering overwhelming response, so that all needy people can get benefit of this Camp. Camp was inaugurated by Mr. Shiv Mahipal and Mr. Manmohan Jain on August 6, 2008.
In this Camp, 357 disabled persons came for registration and we fabricated and distributed 226 artificial limbs and callipers to eligible persons. Measurement has been taken for 23 limbs, which will be fabricated in Delhi and distributed by Marwari Yuva Manch Noida. 5 Cycles and 2 Baishakhis were also distributed in this camp. People came from far areas like Kanpur, Bhopal, Barely, Rohtak and all over NCR.
The joy of people, who have been fitted artificial limbs and callipers, was amazing. Suddenly they got a new meaning to their life. It gives huge satisfaction and strengthens our belief to devote more time and efforts in future towards social cause.
With the help of CMO office, special desk was organized on August 7 and 8, to issue on the spot disability certificates and 60 people have been issued disability certificates. This was a unique step taken by Noida Branch.
Formal Distribution Ceremony was held on August 10. Shri Ashok Pradhan, MP, Khurja was chief guest to this program. Mr. B.P.Agarwal, Chairman, Priya Gold Group and Mr. Dayaram Verma, CMO, Noida, Mr. Rao, DDG BSNL were guests of honor. National office bearers of AIMYM, representatives of other branches and reputed dignitaries from Noida attended this function.
We have been able to get financial support from corporate houses like BSNL, Spice, AFL, CTC, Panasonic and Granolite. Dainik Jagran acted as Media Partner and published 3 advertisements at no cost. Electronic and Press Media at large have covered this event, a few clippings and photographs are available at We put 50 hoardings in Noida and surrounding areas, distributed 20000 pamphlets, pasted 2000 stickers and 1000 posters at prominent places to reach masses.
I truly appreciate support provided by National and State Level functionaries.
Though every one has made remarkable contribution, I will take this opportunity to name and thank a few of them, who have put all their time and efforts to make this Camp a big success. I am proud of Dinesh Chandak, Amit Jain, Anil Goyal, Kapil Lakhotia, Piyush Mohan, Vinit Bansal, Ghanshyam Kabra, Dinesh Bihani, Gopal Jhanwar, Jyoti Somani, Manoj Singhal, Pawan Garg, Saurabh Jain, Suresh Kumar Bajaj, Vinod More, Prabhat Maheshwari, Ramratan Sharma, Sunil Goel, Sunil Daga and Satish and Suresh Sarawagi, who have worked as a winning team and demonstrated the youth power of Marwari Yuva Manch.
I wish you all the best wishes.
Warm regards
Manoj Agarwal
Noida Branch
Dear All,
I am pleased to share with you that 'Free Callipers and Artificial Limbs Camp' organized by Marwari Yuva manch in Noida between August 6 and 10, 2008 at Agarsen Bhawan Sector 33 was a huge success. We extended the Camp by one day considering overwhelming response, so that all needy people can get benefit of this Camp. Camp was inaugurated by Mr. Shiv Mahipal and Mr. Manmohan Jain on August 6, 2008.
In this Camp, 357 disabled persons came for registration and we fabricated and distributed 226 artificial limbs and callipers to eligible persons. Measurement has been taken for 23 limbs, which will be fabricated in Delhi and distributed by Marwari Yuva Manch Noida. 5 Cycles and 2 Baishakhis were also distributed in this camp. People came from far areas like Kanpur, Bhopal, Barely, Rohtak and all over NCR.
The joy of people, who have been fitted artificial limbs and callipers, was amazing. Suddenly they got a new meaning to their life. It gives huge satisfaction and strengthens our belief to devote more time and efforts in future towards social cause.
With the help of CMO office, special desk was organized on August 7 and 8, to issue on the spot disability certificates and 60 people have been issued disability certificates. This was a unique step taken by Noida Branch.
Formal Distribution Ceremony was held on August 10. Shri Ashok Pradhan, MP, Khurja was chief guest to this program. Mr. B.P.Agarwal, Chairman, Priya Gold Group and Mr. Dayaram Verma, CMO, Noida, Mr. Rao, DDG BSNL were guests of honor. National office bearers of AIMYM, representatives of other branches and reputed dignitaries from Noida attended this function.
We have been able to get financial support from corporate houses like BSNL, Spice, AFL, CTC, Panasonic and Granolite. Dainik Jagran acted as Media Partner and published 3 advertisements at no cost. Electronic and Press Media at large have covered this event, a few clippings and photographs are available at We put 50 hoardings in Noida and surrounding areas, distributed 20000 pamphlets, pasted 2000 stickers and 1000 posters at prominent places to reach masses.
I truly appreciate support provided by National and State Level functionaries.
Though every one has made remarkable contribution, I will take this opportunity to name and thank a few of them, who have put all their time and efforts to make this Camp a big success. I am proud of Dinesh Chandak, Amit Jain, Anil Goyal, Kapil Lakhotia, Piyush Mohan, Vinit Bansal, Ghanshyam Kabra, Dinesh Bihani, Gopal Jhanwar, Jyoti Somani, Manoj Singhal, Pawan Garg, Saurabh Jain, Suresh Kumar Bajaj, Vinod More, Prabhat Maheshwari, Ramratan Sharma, Sunil Goel, Sunil Daga and Satish and Suresh Sarawagi, who have worked as a winning team and demonstrated the youth power of Marwari Yuva Manch.
I wish you all the best wishes.
Warm regards
Manoj Agarwal
Noida Branch
Marwari Yuva Manch Noida,
NGO in Noida
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Friday, August 8, 2008
कृत्रिम पैर व कैलिपर्स के लिए 165 ने करवाया पंजीकरण - Dainik Jagran
कृत्रिम पैर व कैलिपर्स के लिए 165 ने करवाया पंजीकरण
Aug 07, 12:27 am
नोएडा, सं : सेक्टर-33 स्थित अग्रसेन भवन में अखिल भारतीय मारवाड़ी युवा मंच नोएडा द्वारा आयोजित किए जा रहे चार दिवसीयनिशुल्क कृत्रिम पैर व कैलिपर्स शिविर में लोगों की भारी भीड़ उमड़ी। शिविर के पहले दिन कृत्रिम पैर व कैलिपर्स लगाने के लिए 165 लोगों ने पंजीकरण करवाया। इसका शुभारंभ संस्था के राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष मनमोहन जैन व प्रांतीय अध्यक्ष शिव महिपाल ने किया। निशुल्क शिविर में दैनिक जागरण मीडिया पार्टनर की भूमिका निभा रहा है। शिविर में कई लोग ऐसे थे जो कि इस शिविर का पता दैनिक जागरण के माध्यम से चलने पर इसके बारे में प्रकाशित समाचार की प्रति अपने साथ लाए थे। लोगों ने इस तरह के कार्यो में अग्रणी भूमिका निभाने के लिए दैनिक जागरण के प्रयासों को काफी सराहा। कृत्रिम पैर व कैलिपर्स लगाने के लिए लोग कानपुर, भोपाल, मेरठ, मुजफ्फरनगर, फरीदाबाद, साहिबाबाद, पलवल व दादरी तक से आए हुए थे। संस्था के अध्यक्ष मनोज अग्रवाल व मंत्री दिनेश चांडक ने बताया कि पहले दिन पंजीकृत लोगों के कृत्रिम पैर व कैलिपर्स का साइज लेकर उनकी जांच पड़ताल की। उन्होंने बताया कि दो दिन बाद इनके कृत्रिम अंग पैर, बाजू आदि पूरी तरह से तैयार कर फिट कर दिए जाएंगे। अग्रवाल ने बताया कि संस्था इसी तरह के निशुल्क शिविर आयोजित कर अभी तक 42 हजार से उपर लोगों को कृत्रिम अंग व कैलिपर्स मुहैया करवा चुकी है ताकि वह अपने पैरों पर खड़ा हो सकें।
कृत्रिम पैर व कैलिपर्स के लिए 165 ने करवाया पंजीकरण
Aug 07, 12:27 am
नोएडा, सं : सेक्टर-33 स्थित अग्रसेन भवन में अखिल भारतीय मारवाड़ी युवा मंच नोएडा द्वारा आयोजित किए जा रहे चार दिवसीयनिशुल्क कृत्रिम पैर व कैलिपर्स शिविर में लोगों की भारी भीड़ उमड़ी। शिविर के पहले दिन कृत्रिम पैर व कैलिपर्स लगाने के लिए 165 लोगों ने पंजीकरण करवाया। इसका शुभारंभ संस्था के राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष मनमोहन जैन व प्रांतीय अध्यक्ष शिव महिपाल ने किया। निशुल्क शिविर में दैनिक जागरण मीडिया पार्टनर की भूमिका निभा रहा है। शिविर में कई लोग ऐसे थे जो कि इस शिविर का पता दैनिक जागरण के माध्यम से चलने पर इसके बारे में प्रकाशित समाचार की प्रति अपने साथ लाए थे। लोगों ने इस तरह के कार्यो में अग्रणी भूमिका निभाने के लिए दैनिक जागरण के प्रयासों को काफी सराहा। कृत्रिम पैर व कैलिपर्स लगाने के लिए लोग कानपुर, भोपाल, मेरठ, मुजफ्फरनगर, फरीदाबाद, साहिबाबाद, पलवल व दादरी तक से आए हुए थे। संस्था के अध्यक्ष मनोज अग्रवाल व मंत्री दिनेश चांडक ने बताया कि पहले दिन पंजीकृत लोगों के कृत्रिम पैर व कैलिपर्स का साइज लेकर उनकी जांच पड़ताल की। उन्होंने बताया कि दो दिन बाद इनके कृत्रिम अंग पैर, बाजू आदि पूरी तरह से तैयार कर फिट कर दिए जाएंगे। अग्रवाल ने बताया कि संस्था इसी तरह के निशुल्क शिविर आयोजित कर अभी तक 42 हजार से उपर लोगों को कृत्रिम अंग व कैलिपर्स मुहैया करवा चुकी है ताकि वह अपने पैरों पर खड़ा हो सकें।
Marwari Yuva Manch Noida,
NGO in Noida
..खींच लाई पैरों पर खड़ा होने की चाह - Dainik Jagran
खींच लाई पैरों पर खड़ा होने की चाह
Aug 07, 01:10 am
नोएडा, संवाददाता
..वे अभी तक बैसाखी के सहारे ही चल रहे थे। उनका भी अपने पैरों पर चलने का मन करता था, लेकिन कृत्रिम अंग लगवाने पर आने वाला खर्च वहन करना उनके बस में नहीं था। कई तो ऐसे हैं, जिन्होंने एक दशक तक बैसाखी के सहारे ही काट दिया। बाजार में जाकर कृत्रिम पैर, बाजू व टांग आदि फिट करवाने के लिए उनकी जेब में पैसे तक नहीं थे। अब उन्हें आस बंधी है व अपने पैरों पर खड़ा होने की चाहत उन्हें कानुपर, भोपाल, फरीदाबाद, पलवल व मुजफ्फरनगर से नोएडा खींच लाई है।
यह उन सभी लोगों की दास्तां हैं जो किसी न किसी रूप में विकलांग है। यह सभी लोग नोएडा के सेक्टर-33 स्थित अग्रसेन भवन में मारवाड़ी युवा मंच द्वारा आयोजित किए जा रहे निशुल्क कृत्रिम पैर व कैलिपर्स शिविर में बनावटी अंग लगवाने आए हुए हैं। दैनिक जागरण ने इन लोगों की व्यथा को समझा व उनसे इस बारे में बातचीत की।
कानपुर निवासी राजा बाबू शर्मा की 1997 में ट्रेन की चपेट में आने पर टांग कट गई थी। वह अभी तक बैसाखी के सहारे ही चल रहे थे। कृत्रिम टांग लगवाना उसके बस में नहीं था। राजा बाबू दिल्ली में अपने दोस्त के पास आए हुए थे। उन्हें पता चला कि नोएडा में कृत्रिम अंग लगाने का निशुल्क शिविर चल रहा है। वह भी शिविर में चले आए व बुधवार को उन्होंने पंजीकरण करवा दिया।
भोपाल निवासी महावीर सिंह की सड़क पार करते समय 1993 में हुए हादसे में टांग कट गई थी। कृत्रिम अंग लगाना उनके बस में नहीं था। नोएडा में रह रहे उनके रिश्तेदार ने सूचना दी कि यहां पर कृत्रिम अंग लगाने का निशुल्क शिविर आयोजित किया जा रहा है। इसकी सूचना पाकर वह कृत्रिम टांग लगाने यहां चले आए।
गाजियाबाद निवासी भगवत प्रसाद शर्मा को अपनी टांग इसमें सेप्टिक बनने के कारण पांच वर्ष पहले कटवानी पड़ी। इसके बाद उन्होंने कृत्रिम टांग भी फिट करवाई लेकिन वह ठीक नहीं उतर पाई। इस पर इतना खर्च आ चुका था कि वह दोबारा से इसे लगाने की हिम्मत नहीं जुटा पाए। वह भी निशुल्क शिविर की खबर पाते ही यहां पर कृत्रिम अंग लगाने चले आए।
सेक्टर-44 निवासी देवेंद्र की दाईं टांग व बाजू बिजली गिरने से खराब हो गए थे। जिन्हें कि सात वर्ष पहले कटवाना। बाजार में कृत्रिम अंग लगाने का खर्चा आठ हजार के करीब बैठ रहा था लेकिन उनकी आर्थिक स्थिति ठीक नहीं थी, इसलिए वह कृत्रिम अंग नहीं लगवा पाए।
सेक्टर-66 निवासी रोहताश यादव की बाई टांग चार साल पहले सड़क दुर्घटना में कट गई थी। वह जेब में पैसे न होने पर कृत्रिम अंग नहीं लगा पाए। उन्हें दैनिक जागरण में प्रकाशित समाचार से पता चला तो वह भी निशुल्क कृत्रिम अंग लगवाने चले आए।
खींच लाई पैरों पर खड़ा होने की चाह
Aug 07, 01:10 am
नोएडा, संवाददाता
..वे अभी तक बैसाखी के सहारे ही चल रहे थे। उनका भी अपने पैरों पर चलने का मन करता था, लेकिन कृत्रिम अंग लगवाने पर आने वाला खर्च वहन करना उनके बस में नहीं था। कई तो ऐसे हैं, जिन्होंने एक दशक तक बैसाखी के सहारे ही काट दिया। बाजार में जाकर कृत्रिम पैर, बाजू व टांग आदि फिट करवाने के लिए उनकी जेब में पैसे तक नहीं थे। अब उन्हें आस बंधी है व अपने पैरों पर खड़ा होने की चाहत उन्हें कानुपर, भोपाल, फरीदाबाद, पलवल व मुजफ्फरनगर से नोएडा खींच लाई है।
यह उन सभी लोगों की दास्तां हैं जो किसी न किसी रूप में विकलांग है। यह सभी लोग नोएडा के सेक्टर-33 स्थित अग्रसेन भवन में मारवाड़ी युवा मंच द्वारा आयोजित किए जा रहे निशुल्क कृत्रिम पैर व कैलिपर्स शिविर में बनावटी अंग लगवाने आए हुए हैं। दैनिक जागरण ने इन लोगों की व्यथा को समझा व उनसे इस बारे में बातचीत की।
कानपुर निवासी राजा बाबू शर्मा की 1997 में ट्रेन की चपेट में आने पर टांग कट गई थी। वह अभी तक बैसाखी के सहारे ही चल रहे थे। कृत्रिम टांग लगवाना उसके बस में नहीं था। राजा बाबू दिल्ली में अपने दोस्त के पास आए हुए थे। उन्हें पता चला कि नोएडा में कृत्रिम अंग लगाने का निशुल्क शिविर चल रहा है। वह भी शिविर में चले आए व बुधवार को उन्होंने पंजीकरण करवा दिया।
भोपाल निवासी महावीर सिंह की सड़क पार करते समय 1993 में हुए हादसे में टांग कट गई थी। कृत्रिम अंग लगाना उनके बस में नहीं था। नोएडा में रह रहे उनके रिश्तेदार ने सूचना दी कि यहां पर कृत्रिम अंग लगाने का निशुल्क शिविर आयोजित किया जा रहा है। इसकी सूचना पाकर वह कृत्रिम टांग लगाने यहां चले आए।
गाजियाबाद निवासी भगवत प्रसाद शर्मा को अपनी टांग इसमें सेप्टिक बनने के कारण पांच वर्ष पहले कटवानी पड़ी। इसके बाद उन्होंने कृत्रिम टांग भी फिट करवाई लेकिन वह ठीक नहीं उतर पाई। इस पर इतना खर्च आ चुका था कि वह दोबारा से इसे लगाने की हिम्मत नहीं जुटा पाए। वह भी निशुल्क शिविर की खबर पाते ही यहां पर कृत्रिम अंग लगाने चले आए।
सेक्टर-44 निवासी देवेंद्र की दाईं टांग व बाजू बिजली गिरने से खराब हो गए थे। जिन्हें कि सात वर्ष पहले कटवाना। बाजार में कृत्रिम अंग लगाने का खर्चा आठ हजार के करीब बैठ रहा था लेकिन उनकी आर्थिक स्थिति ठीक नहीं थी, इसलिए वह कृत्रिम अंग नहीं लगवा पाए।
सेक्टर-66 निवासी रोहताश यादव की बाई टांग चार साल पहले सड़क दुर्घटना में कट गई थी। वह जेब में पैसे न होने पर कृत्रिम अंग नहीं लगा पाए। उन्हें दैनिक जागरण में प्रकाशित समाचार से पता चला तो वह भी निशुल्क कृत्रिम अंग लगवाने चले आए।
News in Dainink Jagran on August 6
निशुल्क कृत्रिम पैर व कैलिपर्स शिविर आज से
Aug 05, 11:43 pm
नोएडा, सं : सेक्टर-33 के अग्रसेन भवन में मारवाड़ी युवा मंच नोएडा छह से दस अगस्त तक निशुल्क कृत्रिम पैर व कैलिपर्स शिविर का आयोजन करेगा। शिविर में दैनिक जागरण मीडिया पार्टनर की भूमिका निभाएगा। इसमें अत्याधुनिक तरीके से निर्मित कृत्रिम पैर, हाथ, व कैलिपर्स पूरी तरह से निशुल्क लगाए जाएंगे। मंच के अध्यक्ष मनोज अग्रवाल ने बताया कि शिविर में तीन सौ से अधिक लोगों को लाभान्वित किया जाएगा। उन्होंने कहा कि इस क्षेत्र में इतने बड़े स्तर पर यह पहला प्रयास है कि लोगों को फिर से चलने फिरने लायक बनाया जा सके। तकनीकी देखरेख में लगने वाले यह कृत्रिम अंग इतने मजबूत होते हैं कि इन्हें पहनकर व्यक्ति साईकिल चलाने से लेकर पहाड़ तक पर चढ़ सकता है।
Aug 05, 11:43 pm
नोएडा, सं : सेक्टर-33 के अग्रसेन भवन में मारवाड़ी युवा मंच नोएडा छह से दस अगस्त तक निशुल्क कृत्रिम पैर व कैलिपर्स शिविर का आयोजन करेगा। शिविर में दैनिक जागरण मीडिया पार्टनर की भूमिका निभाएगा। इसमें अत्याधुनिक तरीके से निर्मित कृत्रिम पैर, हाथ, व कैलिपर्स पूरी तरह से निशुल्क लगाए जाएंगे। मंच के अध्यक्ष मनोज अग्रवाल ने बताया कि शिविर में तीन सौ से अधिक लोगों को लाभान्वित किया जाएगा। उन्होंने कहा कि इस क्षेत्र में इतने बड़े स्तर पर यह पहला प्रयास है कि लोगों को फिर से चलने फिरने लायक बनाया जा सके। तकनीकी देखरेख में लगने वाले यह कृत्रिम अंग इतने मजबूत होते हैं कि इन्हें पहनकर व्यक्ति साईकिल चलाने से लेकर पहाड़ तक पर चढ़ सकता है।
Marwari Yuva Manch Noida,
NGO in Noida
News in Times of India -Noida Plus -
City Scan
Artificial Limbs Camp Marwari Yuva Manch, Sector-18, Noida, is organising a Free ’Calipers and Artificial Limbs Camp’ from August 6 to 10, 2008 at Agarsen Bhawan Sector 33, Noida. Marwari Yuva Manch will be providing free of cost artificial limbs and calipers to more than 300 disabled persons in Noida and surrounding areas in this camp, according to Manoj Agarwal, president of its Noida branch. This will bring a new hope to such people living in distress, struggling for health and sustainable communities. All India Marwari Yuva Manch (AIMYM) is All India level voluntary non-government organization of youth working in the field of social reforms. The organisation has adopted a mission to make the country ’Disabled Free’ and has provided more than 42000 artificial limbs throughout the country under the movement ’Move India’. Marwari Yuva Manch Noida branch has been organising blood donation camps, installing water coolers and launching awareness movement to protect girl child. Any needy person who wants to avail the services may speak in following numbers 9311410504 or 9810603860.
Artificial Limbs Camp Marwari Yuva Manch, Sector-18, Noida, is organising a Free ’Calipers and Artificial Limbs Camp’ from August 6 to 10, 2008 at Agarsen Bhawan Sector 33, Noida. Marwari Yuva Manch will be providing free of cost artificial limbs and calipers to more than 300 disabled persons in Noida and surrounding areas in this camp, according to Manoj Agarwal, president of its Noida branch. This will bring a new hope to such people living in distress, struggling for health and sustainable communities. All India Marwari Yuva Manch (AIMYM) is All India level voluntary non-government organization of youth working in the field of social reforms. The organisation has adopted a mission to make the country ’Disabled Free’ and has provided more than 42000 artificial limbs throughout the country under the movement ’Move India’. Marwari Yuva Manch Noida branch has been organising blood donation camps, installing water coolers and launching awareness movement to protect girl child. Any needy person who wants to avail the services may speak in following numbers 9311410504 or 9810603860.
Marwari Yuva Manch Noida,
NGO in Noida
Press release - August 8, 2008
Press Release
August 8, 2008
Huge response to Free Calipers and Artificial Limbs Camp in Noida
Hundreds of peoples are availing benefits of Free Calipers and Artificial Limbs Camp being organized by Marwari Yuva manch in Noida between August 6 and 10, 2008 at Agarsen Bhawan Sector 33, Noida.
People are coming from far areas like Kanpur, Bhopal, Rohtak and all over from NCR.
So far 350 disabled persons have come in last 3 days and registration has been done for aprx. 240 limbs or calipers, told Manoj Agarwal, President of Noida Branch of Marwari Yuva Manch. We have extended the Camp by one day considering overwhelming response so that all needy people can get benefit of this Camp.
Artificial limbs are being fabricated on the spot after taking measurement by technical team of All India Marwari Yuva Manch. On day three, 50 limbs have already been fitted to the people who came for measurement on day. Training is being provided to such people.
The joy of people, who have been fitted artificial limbs and calipers, was amazing. Suddenly they got a new meaning to their life. It gives huge satisfaction and strengthens our belief to devote more time and efforts in future towards social cause, say Kapil Lakhotia, Vice President, of Marwari Yuva Manch, Noida.
With the help of CMO office, special desk was organized on August 7 and 8, to issue on the spot disability certificates and 60 people have been issued disability certificates.
Formal Distribution Ceremony is being held on August 10. Shri Ashok Pradhan, MP, Khurja will be chief guest to this program. Mr. Ajay Chauhan, Additional Commissioner, Commercial tax and Mr. B.P.Agarwal, Chairman, Priya Gold Group will be guest of honor.
All India Marwari Yuva Manch (AIMYM) is All India level voluntary Non Government Organization of youth working in the field of Social reforms, Selfless services for poor and National development and unity to make our Country social- economical strong as well as to boost the Morale and Spirit of Society. All India Marwari Yuva Manch has adopted a mission to make India ‘Disable Free’ and has provided more than 42000 artificial limbs throughout the country under the movement ‘Move India’.
Marwari Yuva Manch Noida branch has made remarkable contribution in Noida in last 2 years especially by organizing blood donation camp, installing water coolers and Pyaus to provide cold and hygienic water to poor and launching awareness movement to protect girl child.
Released by
Dinesh Chandak, Secretary
Marwari Yuva Manch, Noida
August 8, 2008
Huge response to Free Calipers and Artificial Limbs Camp in Noida
Hundreds of peoples are availing benefits of Free Calipers and Artificial Limbs Camp being organized by Marwari Yuva manch in Noida between August 6 and 10, 2008 at Agarsen Bhawan Sector 33, Noida.
People are coming from far areas like Kanpur, Bhopal, Rohtak and all over from NCR.
So far 350 disabled persons have come in last 3 days and registration has been done for aprx. 240 limbs or calipers, told Manoj Agarwal, President of Noida Branch of Marwari Yuva Manch. We have extended the Camp by one day considering overwhelming response so that all needy people can get benefit of this Camp.
Artificial limbs are being fabricated on the spot after taking measurement by technical team of All India Marwari Yuva Manch. On day three, 50 limbs have already been fitted to the people who came for measurement on day. Training is being provided to such people.
The joy of people, who have been fitted artificial limbs and calipers, was amazing. Suddenly they got a new meaning to their life. It gives huge satisfaction and strengthens our belief to devote more time and efforts in future towards social cause, say Kapil Lakhotia, Vice President, of Marwari Yuva Manch, Noida.
With the help of CMO office, special desk was organized on August 7 and 8, to issue on the spot disability certificates and 60 people have been issued disability certificates.
Formal Distribution Ceremony is being held on August 10. Shri Ashok Pradhan, MP, Khurja will be chief guest to this program. Mr. Ajay Chauhan, Additional Commissioner, Commercial tax and Mr. B.P.Agarwal, Chairman, Priya Gold Group will be guest of honor.
All India Marwari Yuva Manch (AIMYM) is All India level voluntary Non Government Organization of youth working in the field of Social reforms, Selfless services for poor and National development and unity to make our Country social- economical strong as well as to boost the Morale and Spirit of Society. All India Marwari Yuva Manch has adopted a mission to make India ‘Disable Free’ and has provided more than 42000 artificial limbs throughout the country under the movement ‘Move India’.
Marwari Yuva Manch Noida branch has made remarkable contribution in Noida in last 2 years especially by organizing blood donation camp, installing water coolers and Pyaus to provide cold and hygienic water to poor and launching awareness movement to protect girl child.
Released by
Dinesh Chandak, Secretary
Marwari Yuva Manch, Noida
Marwari Yuva Manch Noida,
NGO in Noida
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Press Release for Calipers Camp
206, Vishal Chambers, Sector – 18, Noida
email :
Press Release
Free Calipers and Artificial Limbs Camp in Noida
Marwari Yuva Manch, Noida is organising a Free ‘Calipers and Artificial Limbs Camp’ from August 6 to 10, 2008 at Agarsen Bhawan Sector 33, Noida. Marwari Yuva Manch will be providing free of cost artificial limbs and calipers to more than 300 disabled persons in Noida and surrounding areas in this Camp, told Manoj Agarwal, President of Noida Branch. This will bring a new hope to such people living in distress, struggling for health and sustainable communities.
All India Marwari Yuva Manch (AIMYM) is All India level voluntary Non Government Organization of youth working in the field of Social reforms, Selfless services for poor and National development and unity to make our Country social- economical strong as well as to boost the Morale and Spirit of Society. All India Marwari Yuva Manch has adopted a mission to make India ‘Disable Free’ and has provided more than 42000 artificial limbs throughout the country under the movement ‘Move India’.
Marwari Yuva Manch Noida branch has made remarkable contribution in Noida in last 2 years especially by organizing blood donation camp, installing water coolers and Pyaus to provide cold and hygienic water to poor and launching awareness movement to protect girl child.
Any needy person who wants to avail services of this camp can contact at 9311410504 or 9810603860.
Released by
Dinesh Chandak, Secretary
Marwari Yuva Manch, Noida
Enclosed: Project detail
All India Marwari Yuva Manch (AIMYM) is an all India level voluntary Non Government Organization of youth working in the field of Social reforms, Selfless services for poor and National development and unity to make our Country social- economical strong as well as boost the Morale and Spirit of society.
Established on 10th October 1977 at Guwahati in the state of Assam, it is now expanded to 250 cities of 9 states in India. Today, 550 branches through out the country with its head quarter at Delhi, are fully servicing the cause and motto of All India Marwari Yuva Manch.
In last 3 decades AIMYM has done remarkable job in delivering social services, a few of our projects are highlighted below:
1. Calipers and Artificial Limbs – 42000 limbs provided
2. Ambulance Services – 62 free ambulances are running round the clock
3 Movement to protect girl child – Intensive campaign in interiors of Rajasthan
4. Pure and hygienic water project “Amrit dhara” – 2500 coolers and pyaus.
Under the banner of National Marwari Foundation (NMF), All India Marwari Yuva Manch has adopted a mission to make India disable free. We have provided 42000 artificial limbs throughout country under the movement “Move India”.
Most of the disabled persons in India living isolated life and are poor. The disability combined with poverty and lack of education denies access to rehabilitation services. The AIMYM emphasis on enhancing the accessibility of assistive devices and rehabilitation aids to people with disabilities. The AIMYM evolved an appropriate, simple, informal and humane delivery system "THE CAMP APPROACH", under which artificial limbs, calipers and other appliances are provided easily and free of cost at the camp site. The AIMYM organizes a large number of camps every year in various parts of the country, where artificial limbs (Jaipur Prostheses), polio calipers etc. are fabricated and provided on the spot.
“A CALIPSER AND ARTICIAL LIMBS CAMP” is being organized in Noida from August 6 to 10, 2008, where artificial limbs (Jaipur Prostheses), polio calipers etc. shall be fabricated and fitted to more than 300 disabled persons.
200 volunteers of All India Marwari Yuva Manch will cover 300 villages and JJ clusters to advertise and find needy disabled person. Once identified such person shall be bring to nearest mobile van where after measurement suitable limbs shall be fabricated and reframed by trained technical staffs of national marwari foundation.
On the camp day technical staff will put in artificial limbs and train such people on the spot. Requisite assistance will be provided to all beneficiaries after the camp also.
Infrastructure and manpower:
1. Limbs for 300 beneficiaries
2. Fully furnished medical mobile van
3. 10 vehicles
4. Technical staff (10)
5. Volunteers 200
1. 50 Hoardings have been installed in Noida and its surrounding areas
2. 50000 Pamphlets are being distributed, Posters are posted in hospitals, Gram Panchayats, Schools and other prominent places
3. Electronic and Print Media’s help is being taken to reach masses
4. 3 Advertisements are issued in Dainik Jagran
5. Volunteers of Marwari Yuva Manch are doing door to door campaigning
Distribution Ceremony
Distribution Ceremony will be held on August 10.
Shri Ashok Pradhan, Member of Parliament will be Chief Gust and Shri B.P.Agarwal, Chairman, Priya gold will be Guest of Honor.
No. of Corporate houses have come forward to financial support this effort.
Spice Mobiles
AFL Pvt Ltd
Daining Jagran
Agarwal Mitra Mandal
Granolite Vitrified Tiles
Travel Planner Ltd.
CTC Construction
206, Vishal Chambers, Sector – 18, Noida
email :
Press Release
Free Calipers and Artificial Limbs Camp in Noida
Marwari Yuva Manch, Noida is organising a Free ‘Calipers and Artificial Limbs Camp’ from August 6 to 10, 2008 at Agarsen Bhawan Sector 33, Noida. Marwari Yuva Manch will be providing free of cost artificial limbs and calipers to more than 300 disabled persons in Noida and surrounding areas in this Camp, told Manoj Agarwal, President of Noida Branch. This will bring a new hope to such people living in distress, struggling for health and sustainable communities.
All India Marwari Yuva Manch (AIMYM) is All India level voluntary Non Government Organization of youth working in the field of Social reforms, Selfless services for poor and National development and unity to make our Country social- economical strong as well as to boost the Morale and Spirit of Society. All India Marwari Yuva Manch has adopted a mission to make India ‘Disable Free’ and has provided more than 42000 artificial limbs throughout the country under the movement ‘Move India’.
Marwari Yuva Manch Noida branch has made remarkable contribution in Noida in last 2 years especially by organizing blood donation camp, installing water coolers and Pyaus to provide cold and hygienic water to poor and launching awareness movement to protect girl child.
Any needy person who wants to avail services of this camp can contact at 9311410504 or 9810603860.
Released by
Dinesh Chandak, Secretary
Marwari Yuva Manch, Noida
Enclosed: Project detail
All India Marwari Yuva Manch (AIMYM) is an all India level voluntary Non Government Organization of youth working in the field of Social reforms, Selfless services for poor and National development and unity to make our Country social- economical strong as well as boost the Morale and Spirit of society.
Established on 10th October 1977 at Guwahati in the state of Assam, it is now expanded to 250 cities of 9 states in India. Today, 550 branches through out the country with its head quarter at Delhi, are fully servicing the cause and motto of All India Marwari Yuva Manch.
In last 3 decades AIMYM has done remarkable job in delivering social services, a few of our projects are highlighted below:
1. Calipers and Artificial Limbs – 42000 limbs provided
2. Ambulance Services – 62 free ambulances are running round the clock
3 Movement to protect girl child – Intensive campaign in interiors of Rajasthan
4. Pure and hygienic water project “Amrit dhara” – 2500 coolers and pyaus.
Under the banner of National Marwari Foundation (NMF), All India Marwari Yuva Manch has adopted a mission to make India disable free. We have provided 42000 artificial limbs throughout country under the movement “Move India”.
Most of the disabled persons in India living isolated life and are poor. The disability combined with poverty and lack of education denies access to rehabilitation services. The AIMYM emphasis on enhancing the accessibility of assistive devices and rehabilitation aids to people with disabilities. The AIMYM evolved an appropriate, simple, informal and humane delivery system "THE CAMP APPROACH", under which artificial limbs, calipers and other appliances are provided easily and free of cost at the camp site. The AIMYM organizes a large number of camps every year in various parts of the country, where artificial limbs (Jaipur Prostheses), polio calipers etc. are fabricated and provided on the spot.
“A CALIPSER AND ARTICIAL LIMBS CAMP” is being organized in Noida from August 6 to 10, 2008, where artificial limbs (Jaipur Prostheses), polio calipers etc. shall be fabricated and fitted to more than 300 disabled persons.
200 volunteers of All India Marwari Yuva Manch will cover 300 villages and JJ clusters to advertise and find needy disabled person. Once identified such person shall be bring to nearest mobile van where after measurement suitable limbs shall be fabricated and reframed by trained technical staffs of national marwari foundation.
On the camp day technical staff will put in artificial limbs and train such people on the spot. Requisite assistance will be provided to all beneficiaries after the camp also.
Infrastructure and manpower:
1. Limbs for 300 beneficiaries
2. Fully furnished medical mobile van
3. 10 vehicles
4. Technical staff (10)
5. Volunteers 200
1. 50 Hoardings have been installed in Noida and its surrounding areas
2. 50000 Pamphlets are being distributed, Posters are posted in hospitals, Gram Panchayats, Schools and other prominent places
3. Electronic and Print Media’s help is being taken to reach masses
4. 3 Advertisements are issued in Dainik Jagran
5. Volunteers of Marwari Yuva Manch are doing door to door campaigning
Distribution Ceremony
Distribution Ceremony will be held on August 10.
Shri Ashok Pradhan, Member of Parliament will be Chief Gust and Shri B.P.Agarwal, Chairman, Priya gold will be Guest of Honor.
No. of Corporate houses have come forward to financial support this effort.
Spice Mobiles
AFL Pvt Ltd
Daining Jagran
Agarwal Mitra Mandal
Granolite Vitrified Tiles
Travel Planner Ltd.
CTC Construction
Marwari Yuva Manch Noida,
NGO in Noida
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